Saturday, November 12, 2011

This Is My Spirit!

Pattern from the book More Projects from your Scrap Bag available at Hobby Lobby

I'm feeling a change and ideas are coming at me from all directions!  Yes, yes I know, the universe is in a big flux of change, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.  Here is just a sampling of the bursting ideas making my brain go a hundred miles a minute.  If you see a pattern here, please share, because this is just plain crazy!

List not in any specific order.

~ Crochet:  blankets, hats, purses, baby stuff,  bowls, bicycle seat covers, decorative wheel designs for bicycles, coasters, scarves, wrist warmers, etc and I mean ETC!  Big list and I want to do them all!!!

Exhibit A:
My Wavegan, I'm keeping this one for me!
Even the design is a bit strange, love it!

~ The whole Annie Sloan Chalk Paint thing:  I want to paint EVERYTHING!!  No really, I'm not kidding.  The giant mirror in the Ocean guest room, the two mirrors in the Traditional guest room, the antlers in the Hunt guestroom (the silly names for the rooms are because I am thinking about a small bed & breakfast idea (yes, that's another idea), the tables in my great room, my bedside tables, the frame of one of my prints, and the old very French looking bed frame that is for sale around the corner from my house(note to self, get over there before someone else does). I've already done the small table and the giant armoire.

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

~ Painting the back doors of my house leading to the patio and painting the bench to match.  My awesome sister Claire helped me with the back doors, they look fabulous!  I was going for a Mediterranean feel to go with the style of the house, I think it worked.  And Jess built a large non-traditional trellis with a bench.  I found tons of pillows and now just need to paint the bench to match the doors.  See how one thing leads to another?

~ Painting antlers.  Can't even really explain that one, you'll just have to wait for the unveiling.

~ Painting project for my sweet sister with all of the places she, Jeff and the kids have lived.  Cross your fingers I get it done before Christmas

~ Glass cutting project.  Wine bottles, I'll show you later after I get the hang of it.

~ Go to photography school

~ Bath sugar scrubs.  I want to make these for gifts for friends and hostess gifts for parties and such.

~ Redo a giant concrete bench for outside of my garden to watch the sunsets.  It's so big we will need a piece of machinery to move it, but it's going to look great!

~ Sign up for art classes

~ Place colored marbles in my fence around the garden for the light to shine through.  Picture for that when I'm done!  It aught to be awesome looking!

~ Several painting ideas, as in, on canvas.  Too long to explain and the ideas are still forming.

~ More & more terrariums!  I put one together in a giant vessel and I haven't killed it yet, yup that's right, it's still alive!!

~ Build a bench for the breakfast room, find an old farm table, random chairs to replace the glass table and chairs, list old set, and sell it.  Oh yeah, and I will need to make cushions for the bench.

~ Frame old family drawings and display in hallway (just replaced the lights in hallway for that).  Frame silk screens that I got from my dad, they are very abstract pieces from artist that were friends of the family back in the early seventies.  I'll show them to you after they are framed.

~ Finish, re-finishing the front doors.  Need the weather to cooperate.

~ Help Elise Nicole plan babies room, NEED TO KNOW IF IT'S A BOY OR GIRL!!!!

~ Remember to juice everyday because I feel sooooo much better when I do.  Lots of kale from the garden (I wish, it got fried in the drought months ago), cucumbers, apples, pears, grapes, spinach etc.

~ Figure out how to use the amazing dehydrator I have borrowed from Helen.  Testing cracker ideas with lots of flax seed and whole grains, still testing, still testing, tastes like crap, still testing.....  Dehydrating veggies for chips, total flop so far, still testing....

~ Post recipes on The Chef In My Head.  I cook all the time, take pictures most of the time, and have only posted one recipe since last May.  Leslie, seriously, you can do much better than that!  It's cool when I do.

Exhibit A:

Some Like It Hot......Roasted Poblano Vichyssoise with Lime

Award winning recipe chosen and published in a cookbook

~ Move the bee hive box to new location, and prep for winter.  Buy new bees in Spring, don't forget!!!!

~ Rob a bank!

So here's the thing, this is only a partial list because my post was already starting to look like War and Peace. There's still the jewelry making I want to do, write a cookbook, stay on my yoga practice (maybe go to school for that one day), keep meditating everyday so I don't go completely crazy, and the list just keeps going and going and going......

I just thought of more stuff!  Not kidding, better go write it down.

Namaste ~ Leslie Michele