Saturday, October 15, 2011

Today Crochet

Today is a glorious beautiful day!  We finally have a bit of relief from our horrible Texas drought!  All the rain dances, prayers and down right begging for rain worked.  Whatever it takes, right?  We have had a burn ban since last year and have managed to stack up tons of junk lumber, tree branches etc. in our burn pile.  Today we were finally able to let her rip.  Too much fun!

So while I sat outside and (wo)manned the fire, it was a perfect time to take up one of my latest hobbies.  Drum roll please.......crocheting!  I love it, and I'm not sure why I ever knitted.  It frustrated the hell out of me and I thought it was suppose to be a relaxing hobby.  Crochet, however, is a breeze.  I whipped up this little coin purse in nothing flat.  Isn't she cute??  I love her and her little retro toggle button!

Easy Pattern

She's looking for a new home and waiting for you over in my Etsy Shop!